Why Us

Lauren Hedden BSN, RNC-MNN, IBCLC.

I am a South Jersey native and a mother of two. I received my BSN from Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia in 2007 then began my nursing career working as a postpartum nurse for 8 years, I then began working in Labor & Delivery where my passion for helping new mommas breastfeed flourished and in 2017, I earned my IBCLC.

My love of educating expecting families and supporting them on their breastfeeding journey has inspired me to create The Leaky Jug as a way to walk this journey with you.

The Leaky Jug.

I met Lauren when I had my son and was a new Momma. She was so kind and helpful with an abundance of knowledge and different techniques for nursing. I then had the pleasure of working with her again 15 months later after having my daughter. Both times she was so comforting, supportive, and helpful. Both of my babies had tongue ties and she was able to point me in the right direction to get them taken care of. I even went in to have her double checking my daughter after the pediatrician told me she didn’t have a tongue tie (she did have one after all). When you work with Lauren you can tell that she is truly passionate about what she does, not only by how knowledgeable she is, but how warm her personality is as well. I’m forever grateful for her help!

-Monique K.